Everyone realizes that one can believe little of what people say about each other. But it is not so widely realized that even less can one trust what people say about themselves.
Every relationship that we have in our lives - our contact with each person, place, and event - serves a very special, if yet to be realized purpose: They are mirrors that can serve to show us things about ourselves that can be realized in no other w...
I think somewhere along the way I realized, 'O.K., no one's gonna care about a chubby Jewish dude rapping.' I realized I'd be better behind the scenes.
And it was at that point that I realized, in fact, our whole administration realized, that we could not rely on Metropolitan Edison for the kind of information we needed to make decisions.
The man being carried does not realize how far away the town really is.
I cried when I was born and each day now I realize why.
The one being carried does not realize how far away the town is.
To a realized master, death and rebirth is in every breath. Death is that of body consciousness, ego and limits of the mind. Rebirth is that of the cosmic mind of being the Spirit. In this realization is liberation. When awake as liberated, each pray...
It is not lies or a lack of loyalty that ends a relationship. It is the agonizing truth that one person feels in their heart on a daily basis. It is realizing that you are coping and not living. It is the false belief that there is a verse, quote, ph...
Conscience is the manifestation of our divine nature, the absolute truthfulness that we all have inside, that resides beyond the instinctive desire to survive.
Conscience, the divine nature within us, sees everything as connected, what’s good for all is always its priority.
The intention to be absolutely truthful and the willingness to put the benefit of all before personal benefit hold the power to change the world.
You are infinite intelligence, creativity and Energy-Consciousness which gives you the power and wisdom to attain fulfillment and completion in life.
The only thing you need to be present here and now is your breathing. When you feel your breath, your mind is with your body.
Be aware of your breathing and breathe naturally. This will lead you into unity with the great flow of Life, your true nature.
LifeParticles are the particles of Nothingness that have attributes of being and nonbeing, and the particles of energy and consciousness, which are the essence of Life.
Consciousness is not confined within an individual brain. Otherwise, how can it cause changes in the physical state of things outside the brain?
Because consciousness has no mass and extension, no parts or physical properties, it is Nothing, which on the other hand, can generate the matter and energy of the entire universe.
Conscience is the absolute truthfulness perceived, which comes from Nothing, our true nature, and as such reflects things exactly the way they are.
If we see our relationship to this planet in a wide perspective, one thing is clear: we belong to this planet, not the other way around.
If you say one thing, and do something different, how can your conscience trust you? Self-trust comes from integrity.