TV has grown so much. It is like a powerhouse medium.
TV is where a writer can write his novel.
Cinema is so slow and boring compared to television.
Everybody who works for Amblin Television has to do five jobs.
I didn't see myself doing TV. It's time-consuming.
There's not going to be a 'Buffy' season nine on television.
I've grown up on TV, and there were some phases that weren't pretty.
Television's not going read stories to you.
I'm fiercely protective of my children even though we are on TV.
I seriously consider television to be the people's medium.
With my child, I hardly watch TV now.
In 1962 I was 17, so I was definitely watching the dance shows on television.
There's a female writer-performer thing going on in TV right now.
I always just wanted to be a cheesy guy on television.
A lot of making TV is lightening in a bottle.
My biggest television weakness is 'Dragons' Den.'
TV-makers usually don't know much about photography.
Simple stories... emerge as lovely films or television pieces.
I told the truth, and I did it on national TV in a lie-detector test.
I don't think television really captures the speed and the power of skating.
I can't stand to see myself on television.