I made a rule not to be on reality shows.
To create new reality, change the perception but not the reality.
A phantasm can be a bridge that men cross toward reality.
In the age of television, image becomes more important than substance.
Television makes so much at its worst that it can't afford to do its best.
In the early '90s, there was such a limited idea of what you could see on TV.
The theater is a tough place. It's not cushioned the way it is in film and television.
I tell my children to avoid theatre and go into cinema and TV.
I steer away from episodic TV; it burns you out.
The U.K. and the U.S. are very different countries, and it really shows in the television.
The whole tone now of TV is under 35 and directed toward males.
Television has made dictatorship impossible but democracy unbearable.
Studies have shown people listen to TV than watch it.
I like quiet. No television cameras. I'm not the Hollywood type.
TV writing is different than other mediums, involving the writer.
We all live in a televised goldfish bowl.
I don't really watch television, and I don't watch these shows that promote shows.
I can't believe that person on the television is really me.
One of my complaints with American TV characters is that they all have a particular schtick, a hook.
Television is the most interesting hobby I've ever had.
Finally, the complexities of black relationships are being portrayed in television and film.