I'm a real pushover for animals.
It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.
Faculty X is simply that latent power in human beings possess to reach beyond the present. After all, we know perfectly well that the past is as real as the present, and that New York and Singapore and Lhasa and Stepney Green are all as real as the p...
You cannot conceive of the depths of my sorrow, Campbell Maria Cooper." Alicia brought her fist to her mouth and her other hand to the rail of the bed and took a deep breath before she continued. "I will never be the same when you are gone. Things fo...
The reason why the world is a difficult place to live in, is due to the fact that people are not interested in people. Nobody is truly interested in anybody; they are only interested in the parts that they think will be pleasurable and comfortable fo...
How do we know we're not people in a movie?' she asked. I looked at her not knowing how to reply. Mama, [...] how do we know that things are real?' Great. Now we have a junior existentialist in the house. Well, we don't know. We just have to hope tha...
You know, I'm pro-troops, but I'm not pro-war.
War remains the decisive human failure.
Government is waging war against the people.
The dieting wars have got to stop.
Great wars can only be fought by great powers.
I am a war president.
Peace is not the absence of war but the presence of justice.
Music is the weapon in the war against unhappiness.
Peace is produced by war.
War at this time and in this place is unwelcome, unwise, and simply wrong.
The first casualty when war comes is truth.
Peace is obtained by war.
Peace and not war is the father of all things.
Marriage is an adventure, like going to war.
War has no winners and peace, no losers