After all, the ultimate goal of all research is not objectivity, but truth.
Legends die hard. They survive as truth rarely does.
Truth lies within a little and certain compass, but error is immense.
Truth uncompromisingly told will always have its ragged edges.
We who are interested in relative truth have to keep digging for it and not let ourselves be sucked under.
Tell the truth so as to puzzle and confound your adversaries.
For 10 years, Kosovo was taboo. No one could officially tell the truth.
Living in truth cannot be reduced to having access to full information.
The truth, it is said, is rarely pure or simple, yet genetics can at times seem seductively transparent.
The world appears rectilinear, but is in fact curvilinear - a literal truth in physics, and a metaphorical one in metaphysics.
A caricature is putting the face of a joke on the body of a truth.
There's always a germ of truth in just about everything.
Howard Beale: Television is not the truth. Television is a goddamned amusement park.
Power is not sufficient evidence of truth.
Facts sometimes have a strange and bizarre power that makes their inherent truth seem unbelievable.
I know the Bible is inspired because it inspires me.
Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.
I hate talking about music, to tell you the truth.
The truth of it is that women are far more logical than men.
Truth sits upon the lips of dying men.
Women in general want to be loved for what they are and men for what they accomplish.