Every revolution has its counterrevolution - that is a sign the revolution is for real.
Crying wolf is a real danger.
I'm a curvy girl, and I'm a real girl.
There's nothing as real as money.
My music lives because of real players.
I don't like listening to music that isn't real.
My mom knows when something is real and something is not.
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for the real.
Danger is real, fear is a choice
My real last name is Galifianakisburg.
Life is real, not ideal.
I'm a real rebel with a cause.
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.
What I needed was a connection to life that was real and lasting.
When life is real, it's not going to be smooth.
People love to yammer on about things that aren't real.
Beans are a real go-to for me.
A relationship with an imaginary woman is preferable to a relationship with a real one.
I love people who are real.
I like to get real pretty.
All the people know Tomba, but not the real Alberto.