[first lines] Title Card: On December 26th, 2004,the deadliest tsunami on record hit the South East Coast of Asia. The lives of countless families all over the world changed forever. This is the true story of one of those families.
Frodo: My dear Sam. You cannot always be torn in two. You will have to be one and whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do. Your part in the story will go on.
Writer: [reading off the report] Mr. Patel's is an astounding story, courage and endurance unparalleled in the history of ship-wrecks. Very few castaways can claim to have survived so long, and none in the company of an adult Bengal tiger.
Adult Pi Patel: What has mamaji already told you? Writer: He said you had a story that would make me believe in God. Adult Pi Patel: [laughs] He would say that about a nice meal.
Bastian: How many wishes do I get? The Childlike Empress: As many as you want. And the more wishes you make, the more magnificent Fantasia will become. Bastian: Really? The Childlike Empress: Try it. Bastian: My first wish is...
Atreyu: Is that the Southern Oracle? Engywook: No, it's the first of the two gates you must pass through before you reach the Southern Oracle, and get me the final information for my book! Of course, most people don't get that far...
Bastian's Father: I got a call from your math teacher, yesterday. She says that you were drawing horses in your math book. Bastian: Unicorns. They were unicorns. Bastian's Father: What? Bastian: Nothing.
George Kittredge: But a man expects his wife to... Tracy Lord: Behave herself. Naturally. C. K. Dexter Haven: To behave herself naturally. [George gives him a look] C. K. Dexter Haven: Sorry.
Tracy Lord: Dexter, say something. C. K. Dexter Haven: Well, I... Tracy Lord: Oh, Dexter, I'm such an unholy mess of a girl. C. K. Dexter Haven: Well, that's no good. That's not even conversation.
Macaulay Connor: My father was a history teacher. Tracy Lord: English history has always fascinated me. Robin Hood, Cromwell, Jack the Ripper. Where did he teach? Your father I mean.
C. K. Dexter Haven: I'm sorry, but I thought I better hit you before he did. He's in better shape than I am. Macaulay Connor: Well you'll do!
Macaulay Connor: [telling off Sidney Kidd, his boss] Quote: No hunter of buckshot in the rear is cagey, crafty Connor. Un-quote. Close paragraph. Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: Close job. Close bank account.
[Liz screams as Uncle Willie pinches her on the rear] Macaulay Connor: Don't DO that! Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: I... I feel exactly as though I'd been pinched. Seth Lord: Don't you think you weren't.
Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: We've come for the body of Macaulay Connor. C. K. Dexter Haven: I'm so glad you came. Can you use a typewriter? Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: No, thanks, I've got one at home.
Uncle Willie: [leering at Liz] Ah Ms. Embry, you're a vision of lovliness. May I offer you a cocktail? Or champagne? Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: Oh champagne, I've never had enough. Uncle Willie: You will... tonight.
Uncle Willie: [hung over, moans as the pony cart Dinah's driving hits a bump] Dinah Lord: What's wrong? Uncle Willie: Oh, nothing, nothing. My head just fell off, that's all.
Macaulay Connor: [drunk] I bring you greetings and Cinderella's slipper, champagne. Champagne is a great leveleler... leveleler. It makes you my equal. C. K. Dexter Haven: Not quite. Macaulay Connor: Well, almost my equal.
Macaulay Connor: [after Tracy has declined his last-minute marriage proposal] But they're in there! They're waiting! Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: Don't get too conventional all at once, will you? There'll be a reaction.
Seth Lord: What most wives fail to realize is that their husband's philandering has nothing whatever to do with them. Tracy Lord: Oh? Then what has it to do with? Seth Lord: A reluctance to go grow old, I think.
Macaulay Connor: C.K. Dexter Haven, what kind of a name is that? Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: Macaulay Connor is no homespun tag, my pet. Macaulay Connor: Yeah, well you just try calling him Macaulay.
Harold Crick: You have to understand that this isn't a philosophy or a literary theory or a story to me. It's my life. Professor Jules Hilbert: Absolutely. So just go make it the one you've always wanted.