Helping others is the secret sauce to a happy life.
He doesn't seem to mind at all that he's stupid about math.
Perhaps this was the secret to being at peace: want noting but what is given to you.
One man with God is a majority.
With age comes acumen. With experience comes insight.
Food is a gift and should be treated reverentially--romanced and ritualized and seasoned with memory.
People floating like pollen in search of more fertile soil.
Well, it turns out a hero's lot is not glory or reward, but sacrifice.
One measure of a civilization, in fact, is the percentage of misfits in its society.
Where is your Revolutionary spirit?" "Beheaded," Celeste said.
When a chap is passionate, the readership can sense it.
In retrospect, I am very nearly as sharp as I pretend to be.
We are the Masters of each moment.
By so giving up, of course, it renews itself- that is the secret
To let one into your mind was to give him or her all your secrets.
Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
The very secret of life for me, I believed, was to maintain in the midst of rushing events an inner tranquility.
In his arms, I slowly unfolded like a love note read in secret.
Numai religiile proaste sunt dependente de mistere, așa cum guvernele proaste depind de polițiile secrete - Goodwin Baxter
A pact must be kept and a secret must never be revealed ...” Pact of witches
In Russia everything is a secret, but there is no secrecy.