The one in the movie is not real, but my Casper tattoo is real, and it is my only one.
Imaginary obstacles are insurmountable. Real ones aren't.
Bob Dylan's not a hype and a haircut: he's the real thing.
We're the real estate industry - not the manufacturers.
Make acting seem real and as if it weren't acting. Just make it real.
Being real is being true to you.
Real friends stab you in the front.
Real men know how to listen, and real men know how to be honest.
The real secret of success is enthusiasm.
Real love is booty grabbin
All celebrities are real people behind everything.
If you believe it, is it real, or is it real because you believe it?
'Smallville' was a really awesome opportunity.
To me, success is choice and opportunity.
Opportunity has hair in front, behind she is bald; if you seize her by the forelock, you may hold her, but, if suffered to escape, not Jupiter himself can catch her again.
Poverty without debt is real wealth.
The real hero doesn't say that he is one.
When there is real danger, the dogs don't bark.
In the West, and among some in the Indian elite, this word, corruption, had purely negative connotations; it was seen as blocking India’s modern, global ambitions. But for the poor of a country where corruption thieved a great deal of opportunity, ...
Society's goal is to make us less foolish. From the cradle to grave the pressure is on: "Be normal!" Our inner fool may be shackled and caged by a world made to suppress it, but Jesus came to free the fool.
I like marriage, family life and I wish to get married again. But opting out of an unhappy marriage was a duty toward myself & my future.