The real question of life after death isn't whether or not it exists, but even if it does what problem this really solves.
That which has not a real excellency and value in it self, entertains no longer than the giddy Humour which recommended it to us holds.
My first real break was when my college sketch troupe, The State, was asked to contribute pieces for a new MTV show called 'You Wrote It, You Watch It.'
Why spend our time searching to feel reality, when it’s the times that don’t feel real that we remember forever?
My parents lived, breathed, ate and slept theatre. Emotions were right on the surface. Growing up, the unreal had as much importance as the real.
I enjoyed doing Lipstick, but it scared me. I was very nervous. I couldn't wait for it to be over. It was very real, and I was just a kid.
Well, I was passionately curious about what my body was doing, and when I got the lessons on how to meditate, it seemed really solid to me. It seemed real.
Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that your are.
A dream like beautiful place is much more important than the beautiful place in a dream, because it is real!
In a beautiful morning, walking barefoot to the work through the green fields with the company of the singing birds... and there you shall meet the real happiness!
A big island of library, in the middle of an ocean, away from all the fools of the world, would this place not be a real paradise?
If science can eliminate sleep, we will have more time to live and no time for the dreams. But living is superior to the dream because it is real!
On the Night of the Halloween, I have never seen any evil apparition or fearsome ghost but politicians on TV! They are the real goblins and specters!
An ant can't make a revolution, but a monkey can do; because it owns a fist! No real revolution is ever possible without fist.
Your real self may be hiding somewhere, look for it within, when you find yourself, you can freely be what you want to be.
Knowledge is not obtained through being absorbed in a book, it comes when you brush aside fantasies and sensuality, switching from the unreal to the real.
When real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep on walking.
I believe this country is in real trouble, and it's up to us, to fix it before its too late.
I have had the occasion to meet child actors from the '60s and '70s at various functions, and everyone's gone on to various different lives - they're real-estate agents or surfers.
Yeah I'm telling real stories, but if you pick up a documentary on strippers, you're going to want to see some stripping, so we definitely got that in there.
The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.