Real Love Spread Real Happiness!
In the real world, children love me.
To be connected to the real world is healthy and important.
I am a hopeless romantic. A silly, ridiculous, foolish romantic. I live in a fantasy land. I need to get real. And now, for the first time, I to get real. I want a real relationship with a real man in the real world–-with all the real problems, fau...
It's true, I don't like the real world.
The real world is horrible.
I'm interested in the real world.
Morpheus: Welcome to the real world.
THE MYTH OF THE GOOD OL BOY AND THE NICE GAL The good of boy myth and the nice gal are a kind of social conformity myth. They create a real paradox when put together with the "rugged individual" part of the Success Myth. How can I be a rugged individ...
Really, Sage? A date?" I sighed. "Yes, Adrian. A date." A real date. Not, like, doing homework together," he added. "I mean like where you go out to a movie or something. And a movie that's not part of a school assignment. Or about something boring."...
The place we want to explore unpleasantness in the real world is in art.
Mobile is the digital gateway for the real world.
We are getting an education of a lifetime. We're actually out there in the real world.
Being offended is part of being in the real world.
If dragons were real, then in all likelihood they were not graceful, high-chested, noble creatures; rather they would have been dirty, ugly, reptilian and mean.
Words suck. I mean, every thing has been said. I can't remember the last real interesting conversation I've had in a long time. Words aren't as important as the energy derived from music, especially live.
We must experience the Truth in a direct, practical and real way; this is only possible in the stillness and silence of the mind, and this is achieved by means of meditation.
Above all, do not attempt to use science (I mean, the real sciences) as a defence against Christianity. They will positively encourage him to think about realities he can’t touch and see.
Your name could mean to excel and you could be useless and crap at everything. You can put a name on anything, call it whatever you want, doesn’t make it real. Doesn’t make it true.
He wore his medals. He had a surprising number of them, the real kind, not the ones you got for turning up. Although turning up was no mean thing, some days.
The dark held new meaning for me now. There was a whole other world out there that I was just beginning to discover... A world that had once been only farce was now very real". -Abby Sullivan; Redemption