Every night before I go to sleep I say out loud three things that I am grateful for, all the significant, insignificant, extraordinary, ordinary stuff of my life. It is s small practice and humble, and yet, I find I sleep better holding what lightens...
Cemeteries are full of unfulfilled dreams... countless echoes of 'could have' and 'should have'… countless books unwritten… countless songs unsung... I want to live my life in such a way that when my body is laid to rest, it will be a well needed...
Be fueled by the opportunities of today. Do not be passive in your life. Be courageous in driving forward in this journey of life. I know people will try to push you back. I know life will challenge you to find refuge in the past. I know the present ...
No one ever said your life would be easy. The nature of being human makes life for all of us a challenge. The most important thing to consider here is this. Your life is only as challenging as you think it is. Think of challenge as a teacher and your...
If you walk 100 miles into the life you don't want. Often, you must walk those same 100 miles to get out of that life. This is the answer to why the journey to fulfillment is often so difficult. However, if you can find a shortcut, a new path, you ca...
I am a perfectionist but I know how to live life. When I'm working, it's 100%. When I'm with my friends, I put everything away and enjoy life. When I come home to my kids, it's pure joy and everything's worth it. Every time, I really focus 100 percen...
The love of your life, is not the person who traps you into themselves; but the love of your life, is the person who sets you free from so many of the traps that you are already in! The love of your life, is not the person who blinds you to everyone ...
I bargained with Life for a penny, And Life would pay no more, However I begged at evening When I counted my scanty store; For Life is just an employer, He gives you what you ask, But once you have set the wages, Why, you must bear the task. I worked...
Many people experience the travesty of regret in their end days; the realization that nothing held them back, that nothing was in their way, that there is no one to blame, only themselves. Don't just sit by waiting for your life to happen, make it ha...
Noel: A lot of people see friends as something you have on Twitter or Facebook or wherever. If someone wants to read your updates and you want to read their updates, then you’re friends. You don’t ever have to see each other. But that seems like ...
Life itself cannot give you joy/ Unless you really will it./ Life just gives you time and space -- It's up to you to fill it.
Inner Knowledge -- You want to become wise in one lesson: First become a real human being.
May we all soon go about as our real selves and take joy in it, saying, yes, yes, to whatever we are.
She was on a real, grown-up adventure, no matter how badly it should turn out.
Boxing’s not that straightforward,” said Eldric. “You can practice and practice, but the real experience will always be different. Lots of things are like that, actually.
Sunt convins ca hazardul, cu capriciile lui, e promotorul adevarat al tuturor faptelor mari din istoria omului, as zice al intregii civilizatii omenesti, ba chiar stapanul real al intregului univers.
Authenticity is what makes a relatable person believable. It is what makes the relatability sustainable. Anyone can fake relatability for a time, but authenticity is what makes it real.
Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.
To a drinker the sensation is real and pure and akin to something spiritual: you seek; in the bottle, you find.
Real Dominance isn't always measured in muscle. Nor is it always measured in Intelligence. But rather it is measured... In heart.
I need your submission too, but only if it’s real. If you’re really not feeling it, then don’t pretend. Make me earn it.