Over the holidays, and even during filming, I realized that I actually like my body, even if it's not perfect according to the book. I just feel sexy. For the first time, I don't want to get rid of the curves. I just want to tone it up. My body is co...
I'm the type of person that doesn't like to wait for people to do things for me, and I never want to feel stuck. Why sit around and be like, 'I wish my label would book me some studio time,' if I can just buy my own studio equipment and figure out ho...
I think if they wanted to get me to leave 'Children in Need,' they'd have to drag me off screaming. It's one thing that's so close to my heart, and I feel passionately about it. I gave up my radio show, with regret, but knowing I'd done it for a long...
I've noticed that the few times I've traveled first class myself, you've already got your drink, and your coat has been taken by the time the rest of the passengers file on, and it's hard not to feel sorry for them. They're sort of trooping past you ...
When I was teaching Latin in girls' schools before I became a writer, I didn't much like it if parents would come in and say, 'We'll have less of the Ovid and Virgil and more of the grammar, please.' After all, I was the one in charge. That's how I f...
Let the winds of evidence blow you about as though you are a leaf, with no direction of your own. Beware lest you fight a rearguard retreat against the evidence, grudgingly conceding each foot of ground only when forced, feeling cheated. Surrender to...
When a movie like 'Superbad' or 'Moneyball' comes out, people make you feel like you're the most important person on the planet. The truth is, you're a billion percent not the most important person on the planet. It's all insulated in your world and ...
Father James Lavelle: Do you use pornography at home? Milo Herlihy: I feel I've exhausted all the possibilities of pornography. Father James Lavelle: All of them? Milo Herlihy: Well, nearly all of them. I'm on to transexual pornography at the moment....
Celie: He just climb on top of me and do his business. Shug: "Do his business"? You sound like he going to the toilet on you. Celie: That's what it feel like. Shug: Why then, Miss Celie... that means you still a virgin!
Vesper Lynd: I can't resist waking you. Every time I do you look at me as if you hadn't seen me in years. Makes me feel reborn. James Bond: If you had just been born wouldn't you be naked?
Frances Stevens: Doesn't it make you nervous to be in the same room with thousands of dollars worth of diamonds, and unable to touch them? John Robie: No. Frances Stevens: Like an alcoholic outside of a bar on Election Day? John Robie: Wouldn't know ...
[boat trip night] Carlito: [voice over] Already I had a bad feeling about the boat trip night as soon as I saw Dave. He was all coked up so much that his nostrils were red and swollen. Bad start Jack.
John Murdoch: I was just thinking, what you do seems kind of dangerous right now. I mean, how do you know I'm not the killer? May: I don't. Why, you feeling any urges I should know about?
Joel Barish: I can't see anything I don't like about you. Clementine: But you will, you will think of things and I'll get bored with you and feel trapped because that's what happens with me. Joel Barish: Okay. Clementine: Okay.
[last lines] DuPont: Wait! Wait! Look at me. Look at me. I'm life. I live... I, I breathe... I feel. Now that you know it... can you really take it? Is it really worth the price? [Preston sees a flash of Mary's face] John Preston: I pay it gladly.
Forrest Gump: Lieutenant Dan was always getting these funny feelings about a rock or a trail or the road, so he'd tell us to get down, shut up. Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: Get down! Shut up! Forrest Gump: So we did.
[Frank Butterman is fleeing in a police car but crashes into a tree when he is distracted by the swan that Nicholas and Danny captured earlier] Nicholas Angel: I feel as if I should say something smart. Danny Butterman: You don't have to say anything...
Nadi: [In Farsi] I dreamt of a bird trapped in our empty house, it was trying to find a way out. It fluttered around hitting the walls. I could feel the air from the wings on my face. I opened the window... and it flew away. Behrani: Drink this.
Bill: Have you tried playing with yourself? Billy Maplewood: You mean...? Bill: With your penis? Billy Maplewood: A little. Bill: How did it feel? Billy Maplewood: I don't know? I don't know what to do. Bill: Do you want me to, uh... show you?
Clarissa Vaughn: I remember one morning getting up at dawn, there was such a sense of possibility. You know, that feeling? And I remember thinking to myself: So, this is the beginning of happiness. This is where it starts. And of course there will al...
Imperator Furiosa: How does it feel? The Splendid Angharad: It hurts. Imperator Furiosa: Out here, everything hurts. You wanna get through this? Do as I say. Now pick up what you can and run.