Even paranoids have real enemies.
Until I'm on the set of a film, to me it's still not for real.
If you don't cast well, you can be in real trouble.
What is real is beyond all reach.
I've got absolutely no real perception, properly, of time.
Putts get real difficult the day they hand out the money.
Poetry is not easy. Or should I say, real poetry is not easy.
Fundamentalism, as practiced by the Taliban, is the enemy of real thought, and religion too.
Making music, if you're a real musician, you carry on regardless in this world.
Music should be truthful and real, but it should also be healing and uplifting.
Gay men in a very real way created my career.
The irony is that you can't use real rain to make movies.
Life is real, and you canot live a lie.
A true woman always loves a real soldier.
My children keep me real and keep me honest.
Yes, I'm a real southern boy.
Running is real and relatively simple…but it ain't easy.
There's not a lot of stories for women told by women in a very real, true voice.
The only real laughter comes from despair.
I think art is more glorious than life but not more real.
What is Art? It is the response of man's creative soul to the call of the Real.