The worst sin that can be committed against the artist is to take him at his word, to see in his work a fulfillment instead of an horizon.
Anyone who thinks Peter Jackson would fall for market forces around him rather than artistic integrity doesn't know the guy or the body of his work.
From an artist's point of view, I always want to work with the writers I admire.
When I came back to California in the early '60s I was hanging out with Jimmy Bowen, Phil Spector, and I wanted to be a record producer and work with other artists.
What do you say when someone has truly inspired you? How do you express to an artist how deeply their work has affected you?
Watching something being constructed, whether you're passing a building site or whether you're watching an artist at work, is fascinating, and I think that's the enjoyment.
I think when you work with really wonderful directors who have a really strong vision, it lets you as an artist set the tone for your own career.
I was a real art freak when I was a teenager.
There used to be a real me, but I had it surgically removed.
The only cure for a real hangover is death.
Nothing you see on TV is real.
The real minimum quantity is zero.
Is there such a thing as real in the universe?
'Special 26' was a raw, real film.
Climate change is very real.
I'm not real good at the administrative part of running a company.
Fear is real, but so is love.
Real living is living for others.
Time is a mind construct. It's not real.
The real victims of men are other men.
I'm not clever enough to be in machinations and real politics.