Good roles are hard to find no matter what age.
I had to work from a young age.
Being seventy is not a sin.
I've become 40, my audience is partly the same age.
Compared to a lot of actresses my age, I'm actually overweight.
Twenty is a wonderful age for things to be sparked.
I'm not one of those actors who lies about their age.
One of the best things about being an actor is that it's a meritocracy.
I always want to find the best burger in town.
Comedy works best when people recognise themselves.
'Unforgiven,' I think, is the best Western ever.
I don't think tongue cancer is the best cancer for an actor.
The best way to guarantee a loss is to quit.
Labour is at its best when it remembers its moral fury.
One of the best things for a woman to hear is that she is sexy.
There's no such thing as a partisan base.
I tell jokes for a check; I'm on TV for a check.
I get paid to make out with the hunks!
I'm committed to working with teachers.
Save the stonewall to build the levees.
Emancipation was a proclamation, but not a fact.