No knowledge comes to you late. It comes just at the time when you are ready for it.
From the Rat Race to Financial FreedomYou can always alter and adapt your plan, provided you have one.
From the Rat Race to Financial FreedomYou will either find a way, or an excuse. It depends on how badly you want it in life.
From the Rat Race to Financial FreedomI read everyday, because reading takes me away, away to a place where nothing is impossible.
From the Rat Race to Financial FreedomYou live on. You never die. You live on in the hearts of people whose life you have impacted.
From the Rat Race to Financial FreedomWhenever you think seriously to achieve something, just take one advise : Think on Paper
From the Rat Race to Financial FreedomWhen it comes to compounding, don't trust your intuition - you have no idea how powerful it is.
From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom