That said, I'd love to do a musical, either in film or on stage.
Music's another big love of mine.
I just love music, and I absorbed what I love.
'The Sound of Music' is set in 1938 in Austria at the time of the Anschluss.
When you leave the planet, you leave music behind.
You have to be who you are when you do music.
Making music is still what keeps a fire going on in me.
My parents were very relaxed about music.
Classical music's ability to translate emotional themes is fantastic.
I feel that it's the music, not anything else, that matters.
Music is still above all else the thing that does it for me.
Music. It's all creativity right here, right now.
I've never used ethnic music as decoration for profit.
My music fights against the system that teaches to live and die.
Hawaii is paradise. It sounds cheesy to say it, but there's music in the air there.
I've never played it safe on my own music.
I like any music I can feel.
If I walk away from music, I walk away from myself.
All my music is very simple in that melody is usually clearly stated.
Music is a way to dream together and go to another dimension.
People come to music to seek oblivion: is that not also a form of deception?