We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge.
This means that no single logic is strong enough to support the total construction of human knowledge.
Readership was high, and very attentive. It was people's only source of knowledge about the world.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but a little want of knowledge is also a dangerous thing.
Belief and knowledge are considered to be two different things. But they are not.
I analyze religious knowledge and consciousness.
True virtue is life under the direction of reason.
It is a common saying, and in everybody's mouth, that life is but a sojourn.
A lawyer who does not know men is handicapped.
Smatterers in learning are the most opinionated.
No, I'm no enemy to learning; it hurts not me.
Do not laugh much or often or unrestrainedly.
If a little is not enough for you, nothing is.
In the beginning, there were Real Programmers.
A weed is but an unloved flower.
Do as we say, and not as we do.
You only lose what you cling to.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Judicious absence is a weapon.
I'm not frightened of a bit of silence.
Leave the rest to the gods.