I was raised to be charming, not sincere.
I have a pretty big fund-raising heart.
I was raised to work for my father when I was four.
Red: [narrating] The following April Andy did tax returns for half the guards at Shawshank. Year after that he did them all including the warden's. Year after that they rescheduled the start of the intra-mural season to coincide with tax season. The ...
I was raised to be a very intelligent housewife.
Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised.
I was raised by my father; I was daddy's girl.
I was raised in a very blue-collar family.
I was raised not to be afraid to show emotion or imagination.
I was raised to be some kind of artist.
Effective fund-raising is based on relationships.
As a mom I know that raising children is the hardest job there is.
I was raised to pretend.
I was raised by a hardcore feminist.
My family is Native American, and I was raised with Native American ceremonies.
I was raised Catholic... I fell in love with certain ideals.
I was raised on Bruce Lee.
I was raised by a single mother.
I was raised Jewish and bar mitzvahed.
I have an amazing family. I was raised in a wonderful mid-west family.
I grew up in the church. I was raised in the church.