I told her I loved her, knowing she’d tell her I loved her and I wouldn’t have to tell her first face to face to see her reaction and feel rejection.
We were young and in love. Well, at least I was young. I was fourteen and she was ninety-four. She tried to act like she never remembered we were dating, probably due to her dementia.
A shower curtain would make a great dress. If I make it for you, will you make love to me? Before you answer, you should know that I’m a bring my own bathtub kind of guy.
I must have told her I loved her a thousand times. But none of that matters now that she has discovered that I told her best friend I loved her a thousand and one times.
I write music—for whales. You can’t hear it, but rest assured, it’s excellent. Mostly they’re love songs. Listen with your heart—but be careful, because my songs have an irregular beat.
I stepped on the bug to prove I love her, and show that I’d kill for her. Is there really any mystery as to why the guy she was talking to before me just disappeared out of her life?
I make love like I make money. Well, I would, if somebody would actually pay me to have sex with them. So here I am, broke and sexless.
I make love like I make sausages. And I don’t make sausages. At least not myself. I pay someone to make it for me. And sometimes I even pay for the sex that I’m paying someone else to make for me.
For every uneaten sandwich there’s an unopened sandwich bag full of baby’s tears. I’d give you a straw, but around here, those anal devices are rare. Also, I think I’m in love. Either that or I’m thirsty.
I can’t remember if I’ve time traveled, because memory only covers the past, and it’s likely I’ve only been to the future. But that’s natural, because that’s where I store all my love.
Steal my stuff, but don’t you dare steal my time. It’s all I’ve got in this life. Well, that and a lot of love to give. Oops. Did I say give? I meant sell.
It is human nature to try hardest to accomplish the very thing we are told is impossible. Why? Because innately we know that nothing's impossible.
The reason people fail to reach their goals is because they give up too early; they don't understand that most successes are built upon foundations of multiple attempts.
Knowing the path through the forest doesn't make the trip any less daunting. Knowing the steps to your dreams doesn't make the climb any less of a challenge.
What do you mean I have to wait for someone's approval? someone. approve. So I give myself permission to move forward with my full support!
Prayer, faith, and vision, plus real effort too. Blend them together for one potent brew; The magical spell to your dreams coming true.
Be thankful for your allotment in an imperfect world. Though better circumstances can be imagined, far worse are nearer misses than you probably care to realize.
I wonder at times if we're not all blind. It just seems there are an abundance of books unread, paint strokes not admired, and performances unattended. So much attention painstakingly sought and not given.
Mystery, why so attractive to me? You blind me with fear, place hope on my tongue, and with a cold kiss draw me forward. Wary and trembling, I follow.
Hope is a fire more ravenous than the flames of temptation. For if only a portion of it poisons your veins, it is enough to make you stand against ridiculous odds again and again and again.
You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it's enough. It takes just to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up.