A lot of these guys in 'Fight Master' will compete in Bellator and in mixed mart arts for quite some time.
Juliet: I look quite pretty.
Rupert Cadell: You're quite a good chicken strangler as I recall.
David: For a hero, you're quite a hypocrite!
Posh is a way of living that can often be quite miserly and not about money.
The tobacco companies knew quite early on the addictive nature of their product.
I have been a member of the Microsoft-bashing society for quite some time.
I love Twitter; I'm on Twitter quite a lot.
I quite love sequins; I think it's the drag queen in me.
Listening to soft music and the sound of the ocean is quite relaxing to me.
Being in quite a few movies... there's always things that are changing about a film.
To make personal movies that you are the author of, is quite a difficult thing. It takes a lot of stamina.
Rachel Hansen: Quit being a pussy.
Truth is quite constricting, in a way. You endlessly see at the start of a film 'This is a true story'.
We're all quite vulnerable human beings really.
I'd quite like to do a musical. I'd probably have to develop that myself.
I find still photographs make me quite self-conscious.
We didn't lose Vietnam. We quit Vietnam.
I knew some of the army quite well.
Need is not quite belief.
Reagan has very significant things to teach us - positive lessons and quite negative lessons.