I find something fascinating about the quiet man in the background who has no desire to be the center of attention.
Lives are changed by a moment's listening to conscience, by a single and quiet inclination of the mind.
Everyone has expectations. You just don't want to have them dashed, so you're quiet about them.
Quietness is the beginning of virtue. To be silent is to be beautiful. Stars do not make a noise.
In the baby’s room The city lights are Milky In the curtains… Breath Gentle as rain, Sleep Quiet as snowflakes
Bibles are strong entrenchments. Where they abound, men cannot pursue wicked courses, and at the same time enjoy quiet conscience.
I have this idea of myself as this quiet, observant, thoughtful child, which my parents roundly contradict. They claim that I was loud and bossy and dancing all the time.
I'm a quiet person's nightmare - the only time I shut up is when I'm reading, because I'm a book geek.
Off camera, I am not so quiet, I have a fun time, relaxed.
I aimlessly travel, meaning I have no agenda other than to get small in the world, be quiet and observe people.
Some artists are nervous - most of them are, to tell you the truth, and they have different ways of exhibiting that. Some of them are boisterous, some are really quiet.
Louis: [sing-song tease] Pazu loves Sheeta! Dola: Be quiet! Louis: Sorry, Mom.
Stalker: It is so quiet out here, it is the quietest place in the world.
I hate restaurants that play music. You come out for a quiet meal, and you're supposed to put up with all this booming. Why? It's madness!
Every man needs two women: a quiet home-maker, and a thrilling nymph.
I cannot be a placard waver for every campaign; that's why I have mostly kept quiet about gay marriage.
When the thoughts in our mind are quiet, all that's left, is love. Just Love.
And I remember quiet evenings trembling close to you...
I'll be so quiet for you. Look like a child for you. Be like a shadow of a shadow Of a shadow for you.
Led Zep played with light and shade, ear-splitting noise and echoing quiet. They could do it all.
We hunger for quiet times; we find in them a womb to renew our strength.