If Queen Elizabeth knighthooded me and I would get the title Sir Usain Bolt. That sounds very nice.
Usain BoltHow could he possibly bow deeply enough to honor a thousand-year-old samurai queen?
Fathoms of ForgivenessWhy then should witless man so much misweene That nothing is but that which he hath seene?
The Faerie QueeneI am not yet come of age, my lord. How can I be queen?” asked Constance fearfully.
The Ghosts of the PastPlease, I'm a transgender former boy-bander. You think I don't know how to defend myself?
Beauty Queens...There's an -or- in -whore- because you always have a choice to respect your body and say no.
Beauty QueensWas it an insult to be called a “woman writer”? Didn’t it have a taint of, say, the “woman driver”?
Between You & Me: Confessions of a Comma Queen