A people's literature is the great textbook for real knowledge of them. The writings of the day show the quality of the people as no historical reconstruction can.
Decisions! And a general, a commander in chief who has not got the quality of decision, then he is no good.
Meritocracy is a good thing. Whenever possibly, people should be judged based on their work and results, not superficial qualities.
Obviously, drafts sometimes are good ones, or bad ones; I think you can get a good, quality player late in the lottery.
Candor is a proof of both a just frame of mind, and of a good tone of breeding. It is a quality that belongs equally to the honest man and to the gentleman.
I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won't presume to probe into the faults of others.
You know to me, being a good actor, the most important quality is you've got to love to play, and to just be open to anything.
There are two qualities that I've noticed in good directors: One is that they have their vision very strongly in place; and two is that they listen to everyone's opinion and still remember their vision.
A good essay must have this permanent quality about it; it must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in not out.
You can't fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal.
The quality of my life has changed dramatically - not the events - but the way I handle them and my priorities and my sense of drama.
In the 21st century, I think the heroes will be the people who will improve the quality of life, fight poverty and introduce more sustainability.
Many of the qualities that come so effortlessly to dogs - loyalty, devotion, selflessness, unflagging optimism, unqualified love - can be elusive to humans.
I love challenges, and I believe that the challenge of quality cinema should not be underestimated as an important part of the Italian cultural offer.
Being an insomniac only slows me down. I try not to write at night, as I'm concerned that this will affect the quality.
You can be revered for all sorts of qualities, but to be truly charismatic is rare. Elizabeth Taylor was, for me, one of those rarities.
Paradox...Rich in natural resources but poor in the quality of our human resource
I don't think I'm very ambitious at all. But I seem to play people who have that quality.
The reality is that the quality of your relationship depends mainly on one thing: you.
One must strike the right balance between speed and quality.
Two quite opposite qualities equally bias our minds - habits and novelty.