A man is most happy when he is most perfect, and he is most perfect when all his faculties are proportionately and harmoniously developed. Thus developed, nature and art and society supply him with a thousand sources of enjoyment.
I don't know much about auctions. I sometimes go to previews and see art sardined into ugly rooms. I've gawked at the gaudy prices, and gaped at well-clad crowds of happy white people conspicuously spending hundreds of millions of dollars.
I'm very happy to hear that my work inspires writers and painters. It's the most beautiful compliment, the greatest reward. Art should always be an exchange.
Some persons never attain to the happy art of perspicuous expression, and it is equally true that some persons, thro' a mental defect of their own, will judge the most correct and certain language of others to be indefinite and ambiguous.
If you examine your motive for doing anything, you'll soon discover that your reason is that you believe it will make you happy.
God and the Angels can and want to assist you with all aspects of your life. Your happiness and life is their primary mission.
I know this happiness that I feel isn’t going to last, and I feel like Cinderella, waiting for the clock to strike and end my blissful night.
What we seek, at the deepest level, is inwardly to resemble, rather than physically to possess, the objects and places that touch us through their beauty.
It is perhaps when our lives are at their most problematic that we are likely to be most receptive to beautiful things.
We have at any rate one advantage over Time and Space. We think them whereas it is extremely doubtful whether they think us!
Somehow, the days of summer with their glimmering enchantment of dancing ladybugs and sailing clouds had faded into grey. Maddie’s heart had somehow faded with it.
You have to open up to the world and learn optimism...Contentment with the past, happiness with the present, and hope for the future. Learned optimisim.
Where are you, oh heart, which I loved from the start? Did you ever arrive? How long must we stay apart?
The Music blows wherever Music pleases, you hear it’s sound, but you cannot tell where the Music comes from or where the Music is going.
Happiness is being famous for your financial ability to indulge in every kind of excess.
She saw the scarlet thread of her lips, the light in her eyes, the family through their love, their children running barefoot in a fresh field.
Their wedding night was at a little hotel in Paris. There were walk up steps and a lovely view. And all was well for these two.
Tears are another river that takes us home. We become alive with tears. There isn’t a chance to return to sleep when we are weeping.
The woman of her dreams went into her arms without shame or awkwardness as the boldness of Love overcame them both.
You're my always. I love you so much. I'd do anything to see you this happy." - Avery Adams
You see, nothing matters except pleasure - which is the opposite of happiness, its tragic part, I expect.