The sun just touched the morning; The morning, happy thing, Supposed that he had come to dwell, And life would be all spring.
'Marbles' really took so much and such a thorough effort from me that I was so happy to tie that up and have it feel satisfying.
I am very happy because motor racing is very important outside the states, very big all over the world.
And if insight were sufficient, if the inner life were the whole of life, their happiness has been assured.
When you choose to work with a willing, happy heart, you become a beautiful source of joy to all.
That is the land of lost content, I see it shining plain, the happy highways where I went and cannot come again.
The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness
I value my anonymity. I'm happy to come in on the tube or the train and watch other people reading 'Fifty Shades.'
I looked below and saw my people there, and all were well and happy except one, and he was lying like the dead - and that one was myself.
Honestly, my splurges happen at Target. I'll go and spend, like, $600, and I don't know why! And then I'm really happy about it, but then I'll be like, 'Why did I do that?!'
And if I can take part in it by transforming my own consciousness, then someone else's, I'm happy to do it.
Part of our responsibility as parents, as adults, is to set examples for children. But we have to like children in order to be really happy fulfilled adults.
Losing your virginity is a lot like when you find out that Santa doesn’t exist… First you’re slightly disappointed, and then you’re happy because you’re in on the secret
Happy the country that lives on nothing but its wits; cursed be the one that thinks it can get rich by planting or digging or drilling for wealth.
This idea of perpetual happiness is crazy and overrated, because those dark moments fuel you for the next bright moments; each one helps you appreciate the other.
A happy woman is one who has no cares at all; a cheerful woman is one who has cares but doesn't let them get her down.
Happiness lies in our heart. We have to nurture it with blossoms of faith and steady stream of goodness to brush aside the thistles of everyday strife.
There are probably writers who are much more visual than I am and some who are less. I like to think of myself as a happy medium.
How ridiculous I was as a Marionette! And how happy I am, now that I have become a real boy!
I'm a happy camper because by doing this I have an opportunity to be on the cutting edge of research.
Welfare reforms and the whole “happy” exploitation movement are not “baby steps.” They are big steps–in a seriously backward direction.