Facing my own death brought an instant sense of clarity and purpose.
The illusion of purpose and design is perhaps the most pervasive illusion about nature that science has to confront on a daily basis.
Education in the light of present-day knowledge and need calls for some spirited and creative innovations both in the substance and the purpose of current pedagogy.
Of the 55 refineries closed in America in the last 10 years, they were all closed for economic reasons, mostly oil company mergers. Not a single one was closed for environmental purposes or objections.
If we bestow but a very little attention to the economy of the animal creation, we shall find manifest examples of premeditation, perseverance, resolution, and consumate artifice, in order to effect their purpose.
It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for the purposes of spying, and thereby they achieve great results.
Oh, how precious is time, and how it pains me to see it slide away, while I do so little to any good purpose.
I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life.
So the Marine Corps really did teach me to conquer fear, and then to go for higher causes, higher purposes.
I don't know; I think I'd be gloomy without some faith that there is a purpose and there is a kind of witness to my life.
I'm too busy thinking what I'm going to say next to remember what I've said, but my staff tells me I'm sometimes funny. Not always on purpose, though.
You ask: what is the meaning or purpose of life? I can only answer with another question: do you think we are wise enough to read God's mind?
Be virtuous in thought and in deed. God has planted in you, for a purpose, a divine urge which may be easily subverted to evil and destructive ends.
The priesthood of God is a shield. It is a shield against the evils of the world. That shield needs to be kept clean; otherwise, our vision of our purpose and the dangers around us will be limited.
Any time we are misused or used for a purpose other than what God intended us for, it's damaging.
I'm trying to throw a big broad net to try to get people interested in God and believe that He's for them and has a purpose.
The wise man should restrain his senses like the crane and accomplish his purpose with due knowledge of his place, time and ability.
To me, leadership is about encouraging people. It's about stimulating them. It's about enabling them to achieve what they can achieve - and to do that with a purpose.
But once I acclimated and really used fame for what it was offering me as a tool to serve my life purpose of inspiring and contributing, then it started to get fun again.
With the supermarket as our temple and the singing commercial as our litany, are we likely to fire the world with an irresistible vision of America's exalted purpose and inspiring way of life?
I try to deal with the complexities of power and social life, but as far as the visual presentation goes I purposely avoid a high degree of difficulty.