Science is the pursuit of pure truth, and the systematizing of it.
Today, I run for pure, absolute joy.
First, if you are a homosexual or feel that inclination, keep yourself pure. If you are unmarried, you should practice abstinence from all sexual activity. I know this is difficult, but really what God is asking you to do is pretty much the same thin...
I have no fondness for pure form at all.
My heart is as pure as the driven slush.
When I started to pick up the bass, it was purely by random chance.
My life is brillant, My love is pure.
A lot of stuff I do out of pure obsessiveness.
In numbers warmly pure and sweetly strong.
The baby's beauty lies on its' pure-hearted.
'Napoleon' is pure cinema, and cinema was designed for sharing.
There's nothing pure about capitalism.
I was never interested in making cool, distilled, pure objects.
The limited circle is pure.
I'm predisposed to never be in pure celebration mode.
The Dharma is the truth that all natures are pure.
But in the end, music is ultimately an aural art, pure and simple.
To the pure blood of the grape!
Be loving, kind, and pure like a flower.
Let gratitude be your pure prayer.
Simplicity reveals the pure beauty of life.