I don't know what keeps me going. Sometimes I wonder... I think it's just pure perseverance and wanting to succeed and having that burning desire to always have success.
The way we're going about things and what we want to do, we feel it has to be a really pure essence of music. That's where you get the most out of it.
I realised a long time ago that instrumental music speaks a lot more clearly than English, Spanish, Yiddish, Swahili, any other language. Pure melody goes outside time.
Electronic music used pure sounds, completely calibrated. You had to think digitally, as it were, in a way that allowed you to extend serial ideas into other parameters through technology.
The problem for me, still today, is that I write purely with one dramatic structure and that is the rite of passage. I'm not really skilled in any other. Rock and roll itself can be described as music to accompany the rite of passage.
Hebrew is my first language, so it's really the most personal and the most simple. When I write in Hebrew, I don't look for sophistication in music; it's just pure emotion that comes out.
I spend my happiest hours in reading Vedantic books. They are to me like the light of the morning, like the pure air of the mountains - so simple, so true, if once understood.
Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains.
Thou hast no right but to do thy will... For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
Interestingly enough, not all feelings result from the body's reaction to external stimuli. Sometimes changes are purely simulated in the brain maps.
Many people have this memory of traditional TV documentary-making that aims to portray pure reality, and I just don't see that as the only option.
I write by myself initially. That's the way I've always written, just working on pure thought by myself. Then I bring it to the table with whoever I'm collaborating with.
I think the universe is pure geometry - basically, a beautiful shape twisting around and dancing over space-time.
The most despairing songs are the most beautiful, and I know some immortal ones that are pure tears.
The one who has suffered has the right to decide the course of action.... Punishment or Let Go is purely the call of the sufferer.
Anyway, I collapsed in France in the middle of a tour. I hadn't been eating properly, I was getting very phobic about audiences, and I collapsed in pure fright.
To understand something properly, we need to know it a little more; but to know someone purely, we need to understand our inner feelings truly and for sure.
A person's true friend is his own pure human feature and the surrounding mother nature.
I voted for Barack because he was black. 'Cuz that's why other folks vote for other people - because they look like them... That's American politics, pure and simple.
We have to believe that our prayers, if pure and powerful can transform any catastrophic situation, regardless of its magnitude.
I have 17 nieces and nephews, who are a pure delight. We have hiked and biked and fasted and prayed together.