Buzz Lightyear: Woody, stop this nonsense and let's go. Woody: Nah, Buzz. [sigh] Woody: I can't go. I can't abandon these guys. They need me to get into this museum. Without me, they'll go back into storage. Maybe forever. Buzz Lightyear: Woody, you'...
Woody: [deleted scene] [Woody is asking the Roundup gang to come back to Andy's with him] Woody: Bullseye, are you with me? [Bullseye licks him like a dog] Woody: Ah! Okay! Good boy. [walks toward Prospector's box] Woody: Prospector, how 'bout you? [...
Yochabel: Why have you come here? Bithiah: Because Moses will come here. Yochabel: My son? Bithiah: No, my son! That's all he must know. Yochabel: My lips might deny him, Great One, but my eyes never could. Bithiah: You will leave Goshen, you and you...
Sarah Connor: [recording a tape for her future son] The hardest thing is deciding what I should tell you and what not to. But I guess I've got a while yet before you're old enough to even understand the tapes. They're more for me at this point just s...
Jack: Well, yes, ma'am, I do... I mean, I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or, who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wi...
[last lines] Wreck-It Ralph: [voice-over] But the best part of my day is when the Nicelanders throw me off the roof. Because when they lift me up, I get a perfect view of "Sugar Rush," and I can watch Vanellope racing. The kid's a natural, and the pl...
Smart Ass: We searched Valiant boss. The will ain't on him. Judge Doom: Then frisk the woman. Greasy: *I'll* handle this one... [He puts his hand down her dress and feels around for a beat before screaming in pain and removing his hand which has been...
Tony: You heard - it's gonna be a fair fight! Doc: And that's going to cure something? Tony: From here on in, everythin's gonna be all right! I got a feelin'! Doc: What have you been taking tonight? Tony: A trip to the moon! And I'll tell ya a secret...
Emily: Brendan, I know you're mad at these people because you think I went away from you and went to them but, you need to start seeing it as my decision. Stop getting angry because where I want to be at, is different from where you want to be at. Br...
Outside the hospital, a young girl who was selling small bouquets of daffodils, their green stems tied with lavender ribbons. I watched as my mother bought out the girl's whole stock. Nurse Eliot, who remembered my mother from eight years ago volunte...
Look at it this way—before any of this wood became parts of the shelves or the desk or the chair, all of it was in pieces—just pieces of wood. But the wood was full of potential. It could be shaped into anything that a carpenter wanted it to be s...
Poor Cook, thought Captain, I must be kinder to her. She makes a splendid pet. How faithful she is! I always say you can't get the same love from a dog that you can from a human. So clever, too. I believe she understands every word I say. I believe t...
Loving a band with all your heart is something you understand when it happens to you. On the surface, others can see its a petty obsession, but they'll just never know the feeling of putting so much fail into a few people on the other side of the wor...
It is necessary to find one's own way in New York. New York City is not hospitable. She is very big and she has no heart. She is not charming. She is not sympathetic. She is rushed and noisy and unkempt, a hard, ambitious, irresolute place, not very ...
I have been in love with painting ever since I became conscious of it at the age of six. I drew some pictures I thought fairly good when I was fifty, but really nothing I did before the age of seventy was of any value at all. At seventy-three I have ...
The majority enjoy a young girl as they enjoy a glass of champagne, at one effervescent moment-oh, yes, that is really beautiful, and with many a young girl that is undoubtedly the most one can attain, but here there is more. If an individual is too ...
The experiences, the lessons, and the defeats, They were all necessary for me to be me, took me a while being blind before i could see, had to crawl on my knees before i stood on my feet, once i stood on my feet i found out i had wings, the flight is...
Except they kept asking me questions like 'What is your biggest source of conflict about the Pope?' Or 'Has the Pope ever tried to suppress your scientific work?' Completely out of left field! "They didn't want to hear me tell them how much Pope Bene...
That night I looked Stephanie [Burt] up online and started reading more about her work...I kept encountering a striking factoid...: she’s often cited as the most influential poetry critic of her generation. And she’s openly trans. This is not the...
At the house, I park and run upstairs and they're still in bed, but the T.V in the adjacent room is on, a concert -Augustana singing Boston playing subtly on Vh1. I disrobe and slip back under the sheets behind Peyton, wrapping my hands around her to...
I have always swung back and forth between alienation and relatedness. As a child, I would run away from the beatings, from the obscene words, and always knew that if I could run far enough, then any leaf, any insect, any bird, any breeze could bring...