Music is the language of the soul, the voice of the heart, and a message from the eternity.
Music is the fertilizer for heart to bloom the flower of love and peace.
Touch my heart, feel my love, don't look at me.
Love is a heart's feeling, there is no understanding or judging.
When you give the love, you gain the heart.
To feel the love, open your mind and expand your heart.
True love comes from the heart, it is very simple and nonjudgmental.
Follow the feelings of your heart, you will find the love.
When one heart feels the other and in harmony, love is there.
Love is the language of the heart, which everyone understands.
The spirit of democracy is not a mechanical thing to be adjusted by abolition of forms. It requires change of heart.
You change your life by changing your heart.
To have God speak to the heart is a majestic experience, an experience that people may miss if they monopolize the conversation and never pause to hear God's responses.
The head learns new things, but the heart forever practices old experiences.
The joyful heart sees and reads the world with a sense of freedom and graciousness.
In fact, we have a choice of freedom of heart to follow God.
The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.
If our hearts are ready for anything, we are touched by the beauty and poetry and mystery that fill our world.
In my heart and soul, I always knew that I wanted to be in show business.
The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.
It is crucial that rappers have the chance to express the truth that is in their heart.