This empty kitchen's where I'd while away the hours Just next to my old chair You'd usually have some flowers The shelves of books Even the picture hooks Everything is gone But my heart is hanging on If this old neighborhood Survived us both alright ...
My heart in passion, and my head on rhymes.
Look after my heart - I've left it with you.
The center will hold. I wondered.
The heart sometimes doesn’t care about limits.
I open my heart to her and lay it on the table.
Fighting for peace, is like f***ing for chastity
Sometimes distance was easier than acting, or explaining.
A dog's spirit dies hard.
Aubrey Fitzwilliam knew that crisis was another word for opportunity.
Our hearts and prayers will always be with you.
May your heart overflows with exceeding joy.
You can do nothing you put your heart into it.
What the eyes don't see, the heart can't feel.
I like to think I get better with age, but maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Every authentically loved being is a kind of god.
Vampires, fairies, and werewolves. Oh my!
A steadfast heart does not stray from the path.
I'll never recover if he breaks my heart. ~Brooke
Sometimes the heart can hear what the ears do not.
It is not eye-service that pleases the Lord, but singleness of heart.