The perfect state of creative bliss is having power (you are 50) and knowing nothing (you are 9). This assures an interesting and successful outcome.
1052The power of one hundred proud men cannot influence the world as much as of one humble servant of God. Tom Krause
Under the process of ongoing globalization, advantages are, in the main, created for a minority of countries and development centres as well as powerful transnational companies.
You are a divine being. You matter, you count. You come from realms of unimaginable power and light, and you will return to those realms.
As a territory, American Samoa has no representation in the U.S. Senate, and we Samoans lost a respected and powerful ally with the passing of Hawaii Sen. Daniel Inouye.
5 words of advice to reduce stress - "Connect with your Soul's power" or "Change your reality through Coaching".
I believe in the power of love, and planting positive thought seeds into the collective consciousness.
A sense of his own identity came upon him with sudden force, and he felt the power of it. He was himself, and he knew what he had been.
We have the greatest power through love that can be known. It overcomes everything with its fierce and steady truth, if you can continue to stand in it.
Leadership or being a leader is not measured on our power, rich or poor, the and status in life. It is about the willingness to be able to help and inspire others.
Leadership or being a leader is not measured on our power, rich or poor, the age and status in life. It is about the willingness to be able to help and inspire others.
When you accidentally assert power over someone or something, one of two things will happen: 1) you will be respected; or 2) you will be hated
When we commit our lives to the Lord, He lives in us, He gives us grace and power to accomplish far greater things.
You must have vision higher than yourself. Divine powers are always at work to help you achieve your visions.
A difficult journey is spiritual rewarding. There is a more dependence on God, His supernatural power, grace and divine favour along the travel.
A difficult journey is spiritual rewarding. There is a more dependence on God, His supernatural power, grace and divine favour long the travel.
Words are powerful. The words you use and think of, may have impact on your life. May you enrich your life with positive thoughts.
I'm writing a film. With our access to these powerful media, we're going to take over, because it's really disgusting what is put out there now to be consumed.
I now fear, less. I step into my power, peace + love. Because fear is the enemy of my soul.
Lord bless our journey on earth. Lord grant us the grace and will-power to fulfill our mission in the world.
Cloning represents a very clear, powerful, and immediate example in which we are in danger of turning procreation into manufacture.