If it's illegal to rock and roll, throw my ass in jail!
All rock musicians are deaf... Or insensitive to mellow sounds.
I feel there is a curse on rock stars.
Good fashion is like rock music: all anarchy and revolt.
There's more to life than listening to rock music.
Rock and roll is - and should be - a kid's place.
Its rock n' roll that has done my hearing in.
I was in a vintage pub rock band called Clover in the 1970s.
Rock stars are incredibly energizing to me.
I was listening to music long before rock 'n roll.
I'm not really into the rock n' roll lifestyle; I'm a music geek!
Jazz, rock and roll, movies and comics are the culture of America.
There were no men in this painting, but it was about men, the kind who caused women to fall. I did not ascribe any intentions to these men. They were like the weather, they didn't have a mind. They merely drenched you or struck you like lightning and...
Slinky Dog: Pardon me, gentlemen, but have either of you seen a cowboy doll with a bad arm? Blue Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot: [politely] Why, no. I haven't. Red Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot: [yelling] Hey! He was talkin' to me! Blue Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot: N...
The ship that will not obey the helm will have to obey the rocks.
He that winna be ruled by the rudder maun be ruled by the rock.
A diamond is just a rock. A really expensive rock.
I'm not dissatisfied with my place in it rock 'n' roll.
If I'd been a rock star, I'd probably now be dead.
Am I a rock star? Yeah, I guess.
Rock 'n' roll is much easier if you're white.