God is more than able to guide you in the right path. Keep trusting Him.
Pearls of Wisdom: Great mindI've never experienced peace in my life, and I don't want to. I don't trust the idea
Places in the World a Woman Could WalkPractice trust in small matters for huge returns in the large ones.
Postcards and Pearls:Life Lessons from Solo Moments in New YorkAn unlimited supply of wonder and trust, bolsters life lived as a process of discovery.
Postcards and Pearls:Life Lessons from Solo Moments in New YorkCoincidences are like unicorns.you can believe in them all you want,but that doesn't make them real
Trust Me, I'm LyingThe strong times, the weak times-- they all come in waves. Trust me, none of us has it together.
When You Don't See MeDo not trust a teacher that is unwilling to learn.
From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and Conscious Encounters with "The Divine Presence"She has a sexy radio voice, which is perfect because I have a sexy radio body. Trust me, it’s sexy.
XazaqazaxI can feel the power of the words doing the work. Must trust language more.
Year of the King: An Actor's Diary and SketchbookHe who trusts, however, in an oath on God, His Protection also in He; in need, He shows the Path.