I didn't hesitate to kiss my father in public. And that's how I tried to raise my children. We're physical.
Public action should seek to expand the set of opportunities of those who have the least voice and fewest resources and capabilities.
Fortunately we're not a public company - we're a private group of companies, and I can do what I want.
A static hero is a public liability. Progress grows out of motion.
It's always seemed odd to me that after a group of terrorists commits a vile and odious deed they rush messages to the public to claim credit for it.
The measure of your quality as a public person, as a citizen, is the gap between what you do and what you say.
The moment a man sets his thoughts down on paper, however secretly, he is in a sense writing for publication.
The overarching issue, really, is our surgeon general should be able to communicate transparently and honestly with the American public on all issues.
Advocates of unrestricted abortion do not want the public to focus on these undeniable facts of fetal development, but the facts cannot be ignored.
It's the combination of the intimate and the public that I find so exciting about being poet laureate.
We are offering to the American public a line of delicious Italian-American foods. They will be available through the Internet, shopping networks and national store distribution.
Public intellectuals are often put in the position of having their words, no matter how off-the-cuff, treated as doctrine.
People recognize me - but if you've been in the public eye as long as I have and people don't recognize you, I feel bad about myself.
I had long ago become a creation, a public image made to be consumed, piled on top of a precarious shell of a little boy wanting to be loved.
The establishment of a National Methamphetamine Prevention Week will significantly increase awareness of meth and educate the public on effective ways to help prevent its use.
The danger of the Web is that you can go from idea to public announcement in under ten minutes.
In cities like Athens, poor houses lined narrow and tortuous streets in spite of luxurious public buildings.
The kind of poet who founds and reconstitutes values is somebody like Yeats or Whitman - these are public value-founders.
Questions of absolute good and evil are much better not opened to public debate these days, when so few people are sure of their absolutes
Ideas matter—and philosophy is the art of thinking about them rigorously. In my view, that should be done in as public a forum as possible.
If a lecturer, he wishes to be heard; if a writer, to be read. He always hopes for a public beyond that of the long-suffering wife.