The first country to adopt happiness as an official goal of public policy is the tiny little country of Bhutan in Asia near China and India.
Imagine for yourself a character, a model personality, whose example you determine to follow, in private as well as in public.
Since acquiring major interests in Dole Food Company 28 years ago, educating the public on proper diet has constituted the agenda of the Dole Nutrition Institute.
I believe public education is the new civil rights battle and I support charter schools.
There is no more reason to pay for private education than there is to pay for a private swimming pool for those who do not use public facilities.
Governors of both political parties face a stark choice between unpopular tax increases and drastic cuts in Medicaid, education, public safety and other essential services.
The education, the cultural awareness, is different in Europe, especially in France, from that in the United States. So I think the public will be much more appreciative of many images.
We have seen a central government taking more and more control over public education, over communications, over transportation, over every detail of our daily lives.
I had a great education. From kindergarten to John Dewey High School in Coney Island, I am public-school educated.
There should be more attention paid to scientific research in the ecology area, and I think that such attention to proper environmental concerns would make the public feel much better about it.
Neoliberalism considers the discourse of equality, justice, and democracy quaint, if not dangerous and must be either trivialized, turned into its Orwellian opposite, or eviscerated from public life.
It is a sad day for our country when the moral foundation of our law and the acknowledgment of God has to be hidden from public view to appease a federal judge.
Luckily, the public school system that I was in had a really great drama program, so I plunged into that. It really sort of kept me afloat because I was bored in school.
Obama has already rejected the bright sunlight of public knowledge, which is democracy's great disinfectant and cure.
The most important thing for us is investing and making companies great, and then they have all the options they want, whether that's to go public or stay private.
I believe that Bill Clinton will be remembered as one of our nation's great Presidents, and Senator Clinton as one of our nation's great public servants.
World War II ended the Great Depression with one of the great public-private industrial collaborations in the history of man.
As far as I was concerned the important thing was that the music was getting the attention as well as me so it was always a great way to get more of the public to connect with classical music, and opera particularly.
If something is being done on a secret basis in national security, that's a great reason for elected officials to not talk about it. And that's a great way to shirk accountability for it with the public.
Communities need to feel that they can accommodate people. Rather than feeling that it's not possible to integrate and that the stress and strain on housing and public services is too great.
For me, it's a great opportunity on a public platform to get on your knees and humble myself and thank the Lord for all the blessings he's put in my life.