[from deleted scene] Nash: Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.
The Greatest Companionship you have is your Mind... Your Conscience Mind... The one which talks to you ! The only thing you need to make sure is that; it's positive !
Peace of mind comes with truth. Lying requires you to tell different lies over and over again. Tell the truth! Create beautiful memories.
Knowledge is not the vast collection of academic degrees, but the right empowerment of own open mind with an enlightenment of the wisdom to make the correct choices each time.
Grab your pen! Grab your sword! Eviscerate small minds with pinpoint force of mental might. Victory is in horizon's sight!
Globally the Greens have arisen like a spontaneous combustion, a reaction to the narrow-minded state-backed exploitation of resources and wealth for a few at the expense of the many.
Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not other, it is your own mind.
Faith does not imply a closed, but an open mind. Quite the opposite of blindness, faith appreciates the vast spiritual realities that materialist overlook by getting trapped in the purely physical.
The mind has the Propensity to Excel along the Path of least resistance thereby ostracising other equally important "concepts" It is this lack of restrictions of the mind that separates our intellectually aptitude
You’re a loner in body, mind, and soul. A writer who spends a day of solitude in the office is plagued by a mind that travels with the body. The work never stops.
I've been to parties in L.A. that are mind-blowing. I mean, quite literally mind-blowing. People get cellphones in the party bag, that sort of thing. Fabulous, fabulous parties.
Truth is not something that you can search outside, it is something that needs to be explored within. Truth descend when you are in the state of no-mind. Being meditative and orgasmic leads into the state of no-mind.
I have a multicultural background, so I tend to have an open mind about things, and I find other cultures interesting.
The industrial mind is a mind without compunction; it simply accepts that people, ultimately, will be treated as things and that things, ultimately, will be treated as garbage. (A Defense of the Family Farm, 1986)
All personal achievement starts in the mind of the individual. Your personal achievement starts in your mind. The first step is to know exactly what your problem, goal or desire is.
Whether you are a genius or an idiot, a thief or, like me, a Zen priest who has cultivated the mind for 30 years - the mind anyway is subject to conditions.
Theories, for me, are just about freeing your mind. It doesn't mean the theory is going to work like a scientific theory works. It's about freeing your mind and making you think a different way.
A lot of my work comes from what in Asia is called the 'mind of wonder.' There is not a lot of 'mind of wonder' writing in contemporary Western literature. I think that's what appeals to the readers who are my fans.
When I think of the years when I had no faith, what I am struck by, first of all, is how little this lack disrupted my conscious life. I lived not without God, nor wish his absence, but in a mild abeyance of belief, drifting through the days on a tid...
Content is not mere facts, drummed into tender little minds under the relentless pounding of rote learning. Content--even the date of the Quebec Act, Confederation, or the Battle of Vimy Ridge, or the name of the first prime minister-- is cultural ca...
It is the mind’s job to protect and take care of you, to solve your problems and make sure you’re safe. So, if you feel a surge of emotional upset, it moves into action, trying to help, looking for the source of the upset—for the problems—and...