It’s only sixteen ninety-five," I say with a flutter of my lashes. "You’re serious." I prop my hands on my waist and stick out a hip, striking a pose worthy of a supermodel. "Look at me. Don’t I look serious?" She collapses into the chair outsi...
We dance. Sweet, downcast, through-the-lashes-glances bely every beating she got at thirteen, every lash of the tongue from her dad at fourteen, every heroin high that let her out for awhile, every hour and day she had to be tough. She is so natural ...
It is hard to bring paedophile rings to justice. Thankfully it does happen. Perhaps the most horrific recent case came before the High Court in Edinburgh in June 2007. It involved a mother who stood by and watched as her daughter of nine was gang-rap...
Sonny Valerio: What the fuck is his name? Louie: Ghost Dog. Sonny Valerio: What? Louie: Ghost Dog. Sonny Valerio: Ghost Dog? Joe Rags: He said Ghost Dog. Louie: Yeah. He calls himself Ghost Dog. I don't know, a lot of these Black guys today, these ga...
Sen. John Yerkes Iselin: No evasions, Mister Secretary, no evasions if you please. Secretary of Defense: Evasions? What the hell are you talking about? Secretary of Defense: [whispering to Marco] What the hell is this nonsense? Marco: [covering the m...
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: [of his great opera "Figaro"] Nine performances! Nine, that's all it's had! And withdrawn! Antonio Salieri: I know, I know, it's outrageous. Still, if the public doesn't like one's work, one has to accept the fact gracefully....
Celui qui éprouve de l'aversion pour les danseurs et veut les dénigrer se heurtera toujours à un obstacle infranchissable : leur honnêteté ; car en s'exposant constamment au public, le danseur se condamne à être irréprochable ; il n'a pas con...
Governor Crittenden: Jesse James sent me a telegram last month, saying he was going to kill me if he had to wreck a train to do it. He said that once I was in his hands he was going to cut my heart out and eat it in strips like it was bacon. [pause] ...