Reversing the escalation of health care costs is going to need more than legislation, yet it can be done without imposing rationing, as critics of reform fear.
True friendhip is like sound health: the value of it is seldom know until it is lost.
Our state of health or disease is really a reflection of the environment we all live in. And the environment we perceive.
The U.S. government has been preoccupied with health care 'reform,' but this refers to improving access and insurance coverage and has little or nothing to do with innovation.
The truth is that health-care reform will always be a nuisance, with version 2.0 followed by next year's 2.1. As long as it boosts productivity, it's worth it.
Dae-su Oh: Revenge is good for your health, but pain will find you again.
Medical costs are soaring because our health-care system is totally screwed up. Doctors and hospitals have every incentive to spend on unnecessary tests, drugs, and procedures.
man must have fear factor. other wise he is mere animal with sound health and body.
One must ease the public into it - that's an art in itself.
Success is a public affair. Failure is a private funeral.
The first mistake in public business is the going into it.
There's a great public disinclination toward politicians.
My private life became public.
The public is a part of my real life.
I'm not one for a public display of my life.
The public doesn't particularly care for advertisements.
I don't crave publicity, you know.
Public sharing is an important part of science.
The price of justice is eternal publicity.
We still counted happiness and health and love and luck and beautiful children as "ordinary blessings.
To understand why dictators fall, it helps to recognise factors that produce a perfect anti-dictatorial storm. Barring missteps such as those that led to Gaddafi's undoing, a dictator's survival can be at risk because of newness in office, poor healt...