Moreover, only a strong and united scientific opinion imposing the intrinsic value of scientific progress on society at large can elicit the support of scientific inquiry by the general public.
Today's society will ignore almost any form of public behavior except getting in the express line with two extra items.
Congress will pass a law restricting public comment on the Internet to individuals who have spent a minimum of one hour actually accomplishing a specific task while on line.
I've noticed a pattern in stars that start acting out in public. Every one of them felt like they grew up without love.
The kindness and affection from the public have carried me through some of the most difficult periods, and always your love and affection have eased the journey.
Music is your own talent and is an important tool. Even if you don't want to be a role model, get ready to be in the public eye. Energy is there, you just have to use it.
When I worked in a medical practice, our practice provided the insurance. When I retired the next day to run for public office to run for Congress, I had to pay first dollar.
In the beds which the piety of the public has prepared on every side, stricken men await the verdict of fate.
When women and men can shed an equal quantity of tears in public, that's when we'll have equal power.
If the American public is so into morality in movies, why don't they throw more of their disposable income at religious-themed entertainment? For every 'Passion of the Christ,' there's a 'Fireproof' that comes and goes with no notice.
I support public and private partnerships whenever appropriate in order to achieve our goal of a prosperous and vibrant downtown.
Now, the downside to conservation is that so much is done for the public, which almost always mars the environment that one wanted to conserve.
I mean, that was a throwaway thought, because my focus was - my intent and my focus was to never go public.
My ideal role would be anything that allows me to play anyone the public is familiar with and to be able to show them that, but in a new light.
A movie that gets closer to the life's reality of the society finds always more words of mouth publicity in entirety.
A man seeking publicity works with the noise of voice; A man working for humanity seeks the silence of rejoice in life.
The general public thinks all little people are in circuses or sideshows. We have doctors, nurses, just about every field covered.
Loyalty will not permit envy, hate, and uncharitableness to creep into our public thinking.
Initially, the site was favourably reviewed in a leading new media publication and the word spread.
What most people do is try to find a comfortable persona that they're in alignment with and the public likes and appreciates them for.
Like most other states, Illinois has little regulation of the economic interests of legislators and relies on public disclosure to keep the lawmaking honest.