In true prose everything must be underlined.
Cliches and adjectives permeated my prose.
Prose is architecture, not interior decoration.
You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose.
3 P’s are my soulmates: Pain, Prose and Poetry.
However, if a poem can be reduced to a prose sentence, there can't be much to it.
Lover of poetry, prose and procrastination.
But even them, my pains, I understand ill. That must come from my not being all pain and nothing else. There's the rub. Then they recede, or I, till they fill me with amaze and wonder, seen from a better planet. Not often, but I ask no more. Catch-co...
Feminism means finally that we renounce our obedience to the fathers and recognise that the world they have described is not the whole world. Masculine ideologies are the creation of masculine subjectivity; they are neither objective, nor value-free,...
In a world dominated by violent and passive-aggressive men, and by male institutions dispensing violence, it is extraordinary to note how often women are represented as the perpetrators of violence, most of all when we are simply fighting in self-def...
Prose is architecture and the Baroque age is over.
Prose is architecture, not interior decoration, and the Baroque is over.
…wisely mingled poetry and prose.
Yet, it is true, poetry is delicious; the best prose is that which is most full of poetry.
i want to bleed ink and shit prose.
Stylized acting and direction is to realistic acting and direction as poetry is to prose.
Saya adalah produk gagal yang sedang dalam proses pendauran ulang. :)
Forever encased in the amber of a writer's prose.
I want my prose to be as clear as a pane of glass.
Hakekat pembangunan bangsa adalah proses panjang yang berlanjut dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya.
Prose: words in their best order; poetry: the best words in the best order.