It is precisely this refusal of the Cartesian paradigm that characterizes Radical Orthodoxy, which seeks to reanimate the account of knowledge offered by Augustine and Aquinas. On this ancient-medieval-properly-postmodern model, we rightly give up pr...
If it's IN you to climb you must -- there are those who MUST lift their eyes to the hills -- they can't breathe properly in the valleys.
Telling lies is a bit like tiling bathrooms - if you don't know how to do it properly, it's best not to try.
I had a born-again experience at the age of 33. As a result of that I found a church where I felt I was being fed properly. I don't say that as a reflection on Catholicism. But once I was born again, I got an evangelical spirit.
I eat an avocado every day. It's amazing for your skin. It's one of the super-foods, and I'm just so into eating properly and healthily.
It takes two years on the stage for an actor or an actress to learn how to speak correctly and to manage his voice properly, and it takes about ten years to master the subtle art of being able to hold one's audience.
The first, that their pretensions to this possession of an art properly so called in their art of speaking are entirely unfounded; and the second, that they are involved in a profound mistake in their confusion of the good with the pleasant.
Mind doesn't work properly when taken into a higher level where fear dominates the will.
I think the only way to properly face doom is to be on time.
How can you claim to have a passionate interest in something, and then make no effort to properly understand it?
People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish... but that's only if it's done properly.
What they, in their innocence, cannot comprehend is that a properly constituted, healthy, decent man never writes, acts, or composes.
Skateboarding has taught me two things - that symbolise a meaning of life. How to keep a balance and how to fall properly.
Keep one thing in your mind; your school & friends can never teach you properly ,"how to be a good husband & father.
If you can capture a woman's imagination, then you will have her. But imagination is a strange creature. It needs time and distance to function properly.
I don't think there are really enough meetings in Britain for our athletes to compete properly, and because of this a lot of the talent we have has been stunted.
I'm not joking around when I've said occasionally, trying to learn how to play a D chord properly has been a very big thing for me.
Us atheist people, we believe we have to act properly and honestly for a moral principle and not because we expect an award in Paradise.
I came to the conclusion that unless you are ruled properly, you cannot move forward. Everything else is second. Everything.
When the world has 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 nuclear plants, can we call that a safe world? I think we need to properly have this debate.
I always had a desire to know asylum life more thoroughly - a desire to be convinced that the most helpless of God's creatures, the insane, were cared for kindly and properly.