The other deals with my life and my livelihood and my family and all that I stand for.
In the end, long life is the reward, strength, and beauty.
I slept and dreamt that life was beauty; I woke and found that life was duty.
The rule of my life is to make business a pleasure, and pleasure my business.
Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana.
I take risks - that's my life on the slopes and off.
I have relied on prayer for health care all of my life.
Animals play a big part in my life, on tour or at home.
We remained in Texas leading a quiet home life until 1889.
Akron, Ohio, is my home. It will always be remembered. Akron, Ohio, is my life.
Fairly cheap home computing was what changed my life.
I hope to make acting my career for the rest of my life, if I can.
I hope to stay unemployed as a war photographer till the end of my life.
My work is not about my life history. It's not about the story of my neurosis.
Change and renewal are themes in life, aren't they? We keep growing throughout life.
Life is tough - and you have to be tougher than life to change the world.
I want to cause a change with my life, make the world a little better.
They have had such a crazy life living with me as their dad. Not crazy but different from their friends.
Life and death are important. Don't suffer them in vain.
I believe in the freedom of choice in both life and death.
Life inspires more dread than death - it is life which is the great unknown.