I've tried to reduce profanity but I reduced so much profanity when writing the book that I'm afraid not much could come out. Perhaps we will have to consider it simply as a profane book and hope that the next book will be less profane or perhaps mor...
I love profanity, but I think if it's used too much, it just sounds a little trashy. I think it's more effective when it's dropped intelligently. I like intelligent profanity.
I'm always trying to reach a transcendent point, a romantic point, but reach it in a really unconventional way, a really profane way. To get to that romantic, touching, heartbreaking place, but through a lot of acts of profanity.
Many have been the wise speeches of fools, though not so many as the foolish speeches of wise men.
In the silence I heard Bastet, who had retreated under the bed, carrying on a mumbling, profane monologue. (If you ask how I knew it was profane, I presume you have never owned a cat.)
I'm always fighting with profanity and Christian comedy. I'm telling you, it's always a fight. Because my father said to me, he said, 'Well, Kym, I feel like comics and people that use profanity, you have a lack of vocabulary, actually, a whole lot.'
was not personally religious; his most immediate and consistent motivation was a desire for recognition as the founding genius of rocket science.
...through reading, the modern man succeeds in obtaining an "escape from time" comparable to the "emegence from time" effected by myths. (...) Reading projects him out if his personal duration and incorporates him into other rythms, makes him live in...
No one could really hate a saint, could they? They can't really hate God either. When they want to Hate Him and His saints they have to find something like themselves and pretends it's God and hate that.
Never invite someone who is speaking a foreign language in your presence to "Go back to your country." The only time that phrase is every acceptable is if you are British and you are speaking to Madonna.
War is a profane thing.
No matter how I do this, my best songs have profanity in them.
Profanity is the expression of a lesser mind.
Every science is a profane restatement of the preceding dogmas of the religious period.
And remember: the flesh is as sacred as it is profane.
The sacred is a fine hiding place for the profane.
All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity.
Profaneness is a brutal vice. He who indulges in it is no gentleman.
Până și lectura are o funcție mitologică, nu numai pentru că înlocuiește rostirea miturilor în societățile arhaice și literatura orală, care se mai păstrează în comunitățile rurale din Europa, ci mai ales pentru că îi permite omul...
I'm not against profanity. It's an important part of the language when used properly.
Profanity is the name given to the defilement of the sanctity of human life.