So in my uncertainty, I went to graduate school and there it all happened.
I've never gone to culinary school, but I do love cooking.
I played cello in my high school orchestra.
I was actually going to law school in 1972.
I'm a very big public school advocate.
I went to Bournemouth Film School for 3 years.
I never dated much in high school or college.
I went through high school, but I didn't graduate.
I haven't done improv since I was in middle school.
I was crazy for music as a high school kid and a college kid.
High school music teachers... nobody makes a living off it.
I went to a Catholic school but did not really fit in.
I was a hard rocker when I was in high school.
I always wanted to go to a drama school.
I always enjoyed myself a lot in pre-school.
Nothing could be as hard as middle school.
It was tough going to boarding school. It was very hard work.
If someone should ask me, 'What does the soul do?' I would say, It does two things. It loves. And it creates. Those are its primary acts.
A primary rule of practice is meditation with no objects or anchors. Just concentrate on the breath.
Obviously the choices of other people affect our lives, but we are the primary creators of our experience.
The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but you thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking.