I had a weirdly awesome high-school experience.
I was the hallway clown in high school.
I started drama in high school.
I swam in high school.
I played sports in high school and in college.
When I was in high school I was 250 pounds.
I'm a believer in film school.
I didn't go to acting school.
I was a total dork in high school.
Home schooling as an idea is on a par with home dentistry.
I was a great student at a great school, Wharton School of Finance.
I've thought about going back to school.
My parents are high school sweethearts.
I went to high school with Al Capone.
My parents were both high-school music teachers.
I was a high school throw-out.
Art imitates life. Life imitates high school.
After that I jumped, especially being in art school, to the illustrators.
In high school I went on about three dates.
I used to like doing school plays.
In high school, I was the biggest procrastinator in the world.