The funny thing about destiny is that you can't predict it, and you can't prevent it. - Leslie
Getting What You WantRemember, action today can prevent a crisis tomorrow.
Becoming Your Best: The 12 Principles of Highly Successful LeadersOne of the biggest changes in our society is the shift from prevention to reaction...
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without OrganizationsLanguage has created a barrier that prevents us from seeing existence as it truly is.
#Human: Learning To Live In Modern TimesExtreme violence has a way of preventing us from seeing the interests it serves.
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster CapitalismFear is the polio of the soul which prevents our walking by faith.
The Substance of Faith: And Other Cotton Patch SermonsNothing outside of yourself can prevent you from achieving all of your hopes, dreams and desires….
The Waves of Life Quotes and Daily Meditations