Avid readers are the most authentic creatures on the face of the earth, and their hearts and minds are not for sale at any price. "Mysteries for the Inspired Traveler" Goodreads blog
His worried face falls away and is replaced with what can only be described as a glow--like someone who has a terrific secret and they're about to let you in on it.
If shame had a face, I think it would kind of looked like mine... If it had a home, would it be my eyes?
Sweet be the glances we exchange,Our faces showing true concord; Enshrine me in your heart and let one spirit dwell within us.
Across galaxies of time and space Travelling just to see your face Lost amidst the countless stars To bring me back to where you are.
The director took my face in his hands and asked me to show him my teeth, as with a horse. This happened on a Wednesday, and by the following Monday I was shooting.
There is always the risk of being over-confident when you are preparing to face a weaker player.
It doesn't matter how much moisturiser you rub into a raisin. It will never be a grape again. I don't see why people buy moisturiser for their faces...
The more people know about you, the more face-time you get in the media, the harder your job becomes to create a character in whom people suspend disbelief.
A soft and sheltered Christianity, afraid to be lean and lone, unwilling to face the storms and brave the heights, will end up fat and foul in the cages of conformity.
We need to do more to conserve fuel or face tougher choices such as steep price increase or even quantitative restrictions.
Whenever I write about immigration, I hear heart-wrenching stories of computer workers who are unemployed and facing severe hardship.
Recruiting talent is no different than any other challenge a startup faces. It's all about selling.
The best way to keep something bad from happening is to see it ahead of time... and you can't see it if you refuse to face the possibility.
I don't want to look at myself - ever. All I see is that my face is a problem. It's asymmetrical. I get terrible bags under my eyes.
A militarized police force facing down innocent protesters with sniper rifles and machine guns is totally unacceptable in America.
In grammar school some of the girls had problems with me. My face was too light. My hair was too long. It was the black-consciousness period, and I felt really bad.
In the face of the obscene, explicit malice of the jungle, which lacks only dinosaurs as punctuation, I feel like a half-finished, poorly expressed sentence in a cheap novel.
The dynamics of human sinfulness and divine mercy and grace are the same for all of us, regardless of the particular temptations or weaknesses we face.
I'm trying to keep the face of my opponent more or less not damaged but eventually to execute the plan and knock him out.